Welcome to the Fairport PokéSquad Community website. We are an Anti-Spoofing PoGo community for players of all experience and skill levels who play on the East side of Rochester, NY (including Fairport, East Rochester, Penfield, & Pittsford)! We are always accepting new members, including people who will be visiting the area and need a group to meet up with! Please review our rules below if you'd like to join us and catch them all!

Fairport PokéSquad Community Rules

  1. NO SPOOFING, SCANNERS, OR 3RD PARTY APP USE!! We believe that spoofing (and 3rd party apps) detract from the quality of the game and we have ZERO tolerance for it. This includes, but is not limited to, if someone uses your account "without your knowledge" and is spoofing or using 3rd party apps! Your account is YOUR responsibility, not ours. Anyone known to be spoofing or using 3rd party apps (or knowingly enabling others to) will be immediately removed by the moderators. If anything is suspected by community members, please report it to the mods PRIVATELY (with screenshots if possible) and we will deal with it.

  2. FOLLOW THE POKEMON GO TOS Don't do anything that will risk the community, you, or others being banned from the game! Be smart about your decisions both in and out of the game!

  3. COMMUNITY MEMBERS SHOULD BE AGE 13+ WHEN JOINING THE COMMUNITY! Younger players should be accompanied by an adult and/or have a parent/guardian join the discord for them to coordinate with the community.

  4. HARASSMENT OR BULLYING OF ANY KIND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! All local players—no matter their trainer level—are welcome to join, participate, ask questions, etc. Game-related questions and comments are encouraged and should be responded to respectfully. Posts deemed to be threatening, sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. will be dealt with by the moderator on a case by case basis.

  5. BE RESPECTFUL OF NON-PLAYERS AND THEIR PROPERTY. The size of our groups can attract unwanted attention, which is an issue we must not exacerbate. This means no littering, illegal parking, sitting/standing on car roofs, defacing property, fighting, etc. Players who impact the neutrality of the group's public presence may be removed by the moderators on a case by case basis.

  6. BE AWARE OF THE AGE GROUPS YOU ARE PLAYING WITH. We ask that adult players respect the presence of any children at group events (like raids) and at least attempt to adapt their language and behavior accordingly. Parents who bring younger players to raids are expected to be equally respectful of other adult players and adequately supervise their own children. This also ties into #3.

  7. USE YOUR BEST JUDGEMENT WHEN PLANNING WITH THE COMMUNITY. This goes not only for yourself, but also for the group as a whole. For example: if running late for a raid, be respectful of each other's time and acknowledge it in chat; contrarily, when others run late, please wait if practical. It is common countesy and practice in our group to do a last call for raids before announcing that everyone is "Going In" so that everyone is informed equally. Every situation is different, but please take the time to consider how fair any action, request, or decision is regarding group events.

  8. PROPER NOTIFICATION OVER DISCORD WHILE RAIDING IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. It is common countesy and practice in our group to do a "Last Call" for raids before announcing that everyone is "Going In" in the Discord #raid-planning channel so that everyone is informed equally. This is especially important when the community is actively raiding during the winter months when most players will choose to remain in their cars during poor weather. Everyone should be sure to check their Discord for messages leading up to "Going In" and notifications for at least the #raid-planning channel should be ON while raiding in case issues arise and the group needs to back out.

  9. CHANGING TEAMS MUST BE ANNOUNCED IN THE SERVER, preferably by posting your updated character screenshot into the #character-screenshot-and-registration channel, so that your role can be changed to the proper team. Failure to announce your team change can result in removal from all team communication or, in extreme cases, from the server.

  10. WE ARE ACCEPTING INVITES, assuming you agree with all the rules above. The easiest way you can join our community would be to click this link to gain access to our Discord server: https://discord.gg/25ujFWVmR6. Once you are in the landing-zone channel, follow the instructions there and a mod will add you to a role to let you access the rest of the community!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Happy hunting! Your moderators,

jakeasaurusrex (Discord: sleepy gary (jake)#1866)
(Discord: yoitsmemofo#9509)
(Discord: RoxyReba8#1854)
(Discord: SedentaryPuppy#9392)
(Discord: BlueTowelGirl#4090)
(Discord: MoldySpore#5083)
(Discord: PickleRick#4861)

Copyright © 2019 Fairport PokéSquad